8. My Neighbour Recommends (Space)
Episode 08 - 29/09/20
He loves movies...and board games. He likes cooking Gumbo for his friends and spending Sundays in his bathrobe.
But most importantly:
He is my neighbour.
And he recommends films.
Due to her Neighbour working remotely at the moment, Volunteer Nora once again met up with him at his rather unusual current residency. They not only discuss “A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night” and “Dead Man”, they also talk about space, an interesting way of sending Blue Rays up there and the chance of a promising future film collaboration.
*SPOILER WARNING FOR FILMS* (Hereditary, Get Out, A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, Dead Man)
“As an artist, and for me personally, my biggest fear is categorization. I hate the idea that I would become someone who says that “this is what I do and now that’s what I am.” What I really feel like is an explorer. I want to continue exploring my brain cave and see what’s there, you know? And I don’t want to just stay in one cave.”
“(I lick) just water of the windows of the inside of the space ship.”
DC Volunteer Host
Nora Jenewein
Guest Speaker
The Neighbour
DC Volunteer Q&A with
Adriana Kytkova
Sound Design
Vinzenz Stergin
Mastered by
Rob Szeliga
Special Appearance by
Space Horse