2. My Neighbour Recommends (Cave)
Episode 02 - 23/06/20
He loves movies...and board games. He likes cooking Gumbo for his friends and spending Sundays in his bathrobe.
But most importantly:
He is my neighbour.
And he recommends films.
Volunteer Nora interviews her Neighbour about his film watching habits during lockdown, but they also talk about one of his favourite directors: Ari Aster. Due to the Miniseason “My Neighbour Recommends” being postponed at the Cinema, Nora set off to The Neighbour’s current residency to discuss things like nasty bastards, faces in trees and The Castles of Mad King Ludwig in this 30 minute special.
*No lockdown rules were harmed*
DC Volunteer Host
Nora Jenewein
Guest Speaker
The Neighbour
DC Volunteer Q&A with
Peter Blunden
Sound Editing
Vinzenz Stergin
Mastered by
Rob Szeliga
Background Actors
A fox and an owl (and a bat perhaps)