21. BHM Special CANDYMAN past and present


21. BHM Special CANDYMAN past and present 22/10/2021

For BHM we discuss the two versions of Candyman, both with many layers but from very different perspectives.

Tracey, Charlotte and Neal do a deep dive into the themes and issues of the two Candyman films, the first from 1992 and the second from 2021. Please note that this episode contains spoilers.

Candyman — written and directed by Bernard Rose, adapted from Clive Barker’s short story “The Forbidden” is a bloody horror story transplanted from it's original setting in Liverpool, to the projects of Chicago. The relocation of the film allowed for the narrative to take on a much larger depth, as the horrors of American history were brought to the fore. The more recent version, directed by Nia DaCosta show how although things may look very different now the original location of Cabrini-Green has been gentrified, the scars and trauma of the original still remain...


DC Volunteers
Tracey, Charlotte & Neal

Introduction from

This podcast ties in with a Journal entry by Tracey Francic here http://deptfordcinema.org/journal-posts/candyman