Dir: Chloe Zhao
Year: 2018
£6.00 (£4.50 conc.)
Doors 7.30PM
Film 8.00PM
South Dakota rodeo star Brady Blackburn (Brady Jandreau) awakens from a severe head injury, after a horse stamped on his skull. The doctors tell him he must give up the sport – one that is his passion but also his lifeline – for fear it may kill him. While his sister Lily is mentally disabled and his father drinks, gambles and womanises, Brady is the crutch that supports the family – but without the rodeo, he’s facing a life of misery.
Recently awarded the Best film of 2018 by the National Society of Film Critics, and showered with praise for its performances, direction and authenticity, ‘The Rider’ is a film that really deserves a larger audience. We are thrilled to be screening this as part of our 'Unseen in 2018' strand - highlighting some of the best films of last year that flew under the radar or never received the release they deserved.
“One of the most astonishing achievements of recent cinema” - RogerEbert.com
“The best film of 2018 so far.”