- dir. Yann Demange
- year. 2014
- country. UK
- run-time. 97 mins
- rating. 15
£6.00 (£4.50 conc.)
Film 5pm
A young British soldier (Jack O'Connell) must find his way back to safety after his unit accidentally abandons him during a riot in the streets of Belfast.
'71 is a recent fictional depiction of the early years of the "Troubles" in Northern Ireland, and focuses primarily on the experience of a British soldier. Like the previous films in our season, Odd Man Out (1947) and Nothing Personal (1995) its a film that predominantly takes place over one night in Belfast.
Ireland on Screen is our regular look at representations of Ireland and Irish subjects in film and moving image. We are currently focusing on works relating to Northern Ireland, or quite simply "THE NORTH".
“O’Connell displays a winning vulnerability in this muscular, moody thriller which has one foot in the all-too-real turmoils of recent history and another in the dreamscapes of post-apocalyptic cinema.”