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VOICES THROUGH TIME (1996) - Franco PIAVOLI: 1954—2016

£4.50 - concessions

  • dir. Franco PIAVOLI

  • year. 1996

  • country. Italy

  • run-time. 85 mins

From birth to death, Voices Through Time compresses the entirety of human experience into a single day in a single town, Piavoli catching every infinite fleeting moment simultaneously, capturing the rhythm of life as something coming and going, something cyclical and as well irreversible.

Voci nel tempo, 1996, dir. Franco Piavoli, 86min.
Screening as part of Franco PIAVOLI: 1954 — 2016 | See also: Liliana CAVANI: 1966 — 1970
With thanks to: Silvano Agosti, Maria Bonsanti, Mario Piavoli

Doors - 7.30pm

Film - 8.00pm