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If you hold back anything, I’ll kill ya. If you bend the truth or I think you’re bending the truth, I’ll kill ya. If you forget anything, I’ll kill ya. In fact, you’re gonna have to work very hard to stay alive, Nick. Now, do you understand everything I’ve just said? ‘Cause if you don’t, I’ll kill ya!
— Rory Breaker
  • dir. GUY RITCHIE
  • year. 1998
  • country. UK
  • length: 106m
  • rating. 18

£5.00 (£3.50 conc.)

Doors 7:00PM - Film 7:30PM

Deptford Cinema is happy to present our new British Gangster Movie Season, starting with Guy Ritchie's Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels...

Eddy (Nick Moran) convinces three friends to pool funds for a high-stakes poker game against local crime boss Hatchet Harry (P.H. Moriarty). Harry cheats and Eddy loses, giving him a week to pay back 500,000 pounds or hand over his father's pub. Desperate, Eddy and his friends wait for their neighbors to rob some drug dealers, then rob the robbers in turn. After both thefts, the number of interested criminal parties increases, with the four friends in dangerously over their heads.