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SYN SZATANA 'SON OF SATAN' (2007) - Short Film


8 min.
Polish Language with English Subtitles

Director: Sandra Tomalka
Producer: Sandra Tomalka
Cinematography: Pawel Dyllus

AWARDS: Tadgell’s Bluebell Honor Award - 11 Auburn International Film and Video Festival 2008/ Audience Awards - Short Soup International Short Film Festival 2009, Sydney Australia/ Silver KANewka - Festiwal Kina Amatorskiego i Niezależnego KAN, Poland 2008.

A gang of three kids decide to get rid of another boy from their neighbourhood. Based on a short story by Charles Bukowski.

The film was shot in Katowice, Poland, in 2002. At the time, none of the crew were professional actors or filmmakers. We were amateurs, just passionate young people who wanted to tell this disturbing and moving story by extraordinary writer, Charles Bukowski . (Sandra)


Sandra Tomalka - director, producer, script supervisor, journalist and film programmer. Tomalka graduated from University of Silesia, Poland, where she studied Theory and History of Culture with a focus on theatre and drama. She went on to study at the Academy for Theatre Practices "Gardzienice" and at the Raindance Film School, London. Her involvement with cinema begun when she worked as production assistant on the film, Angelus (2000) directed by Polish filmmaker, Lech Majewski. She is currently working on both a documentary and a short fiction film. Son of Satan is her first film.

Pawel Dyllus - director of photography. Dyllus is a graduate of the Cinematography Department of the Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School in Katowice. In 2017, he was awarded Best Cinematography (Feature Film) by the Polish Society of Cinematographers (PSC) for his work in I’m a Killer, directed by Maciej Pieprzyca, for which he also received a nomination from the Polish Film Academy. Dyllus was also nominated for the Golden Frog Award at Camerimage Film Festival 2013 for Life Feels Good, also directed by Pieprzyca.

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