Following an old desktop hard drive as it wanders around the British landscape, Sunrise with Sea Monsters is an original addition to the sub-genre of unusual travelogues in British cinema. Considering the storage and preservation of our knowledge for future humanity, the film works through concepts of memory, data, archives, humanism and futurity, with director Myles Painter - shooting on 16mm - using a common hard drive as a starting point for thought-provoking conversations with scientists, technologists and philosophers. With a light touch, it asks, with data storage capacity increasing, what is it in aid of, and how accessible will it be to future generations? Is its worth dependent on if it can be preserved? Who will end up with our preserved knowledge, and will they even be human?
Director Myles Painter will be in conversation after the screening.
Presented by Wavelength
T: @wavelengthdocs
dir. Myles Painter
year: 2019
country: UK
total run-time: 71 minutes
Doors 4:45
Film 5:15
£6.00 (£4.50 conc.)
“Anxiety for the present ripples forward into curiosity about the future... Confronted with the weight of conveying very imminent and potentially complicated ideas, he (Painter) chooses to repackage them in artistry”