Standard - £6
Conc. - PWYC*
Doors 3.00 PM
Short 3.30 PM
Film 3.40 PM
Welcome to Sci-Fi Sundays YEAR 2 at Deptford Cinema. Join us for a special screening on the last Sunday of the month. Split again into 4 quarterly mini-seasons our 2020 programme will delve into themes of paranoia and invasion, marvel at the mysteries of the mind, journey across the universe and show you that nothing is quite what it seems…
Alongside each screening we’ve organised a little something extra; quizzes, short-films, expert talks discussions and much more.
dir. Neill Blomkamp
starring. Sharlto Copley, Jason, Cope, Vanessa Haywood
country. South Africa
year. 2009
runtime. 112 MINS
rating. 15
A group of extra-terrestrial refugees seek sanctuary on earth where they are first accepted, then tolerated and finally ostracised by the South African society in which they reside.
The film focuses on a period 28 years after the aliens’ arrival and their forced segregation in District 9. The locals’ patience is wearing thin as a range of social and economic problems beleaguer the native people and are blamed on the alien visitors, leading to the authorities’ decision that that the aliens must be moved. During the move one of the aliens attempts to flee with his son and crosses paths with the official put in charge of the move: Wikus van der Merwe (Sharlto Copley).
Directed by Neill Blomkamp and produced by Peter Jackson, District 9 is a smart exposition of the sources and impacts of xenophobia and discrimination. Based on Blomkamp’s 2006 short film, Alive in Joburg (screening before the feature!), it also forms a clear direct allegory for the treatment of people in South Africa’s capital Cape Town in the 1970s when 60,000 people living in an inner city residential area were forced to move out of the city.
The film is also notable for a strong lead performance from Sharlto Copley as the hapless bureaucrat Wikus van der Merwe whose weakness and prejudice gives way to empathy as the film progresses.
“District 9 proves that science fiction can tell us as much about the world we live in as any social documentary”
dir. Neill Blomkamp
country. Canada/South Africa
year. 2006
runtime. 6 MINS
The short film that started it all… Neill Blomkamp explored the idea of District 9 first in this acclaimed documentary styled short film. It launched his film career after it was noticed by Peter Jackson and is a tremendous piece of short fiction in its own right.
Ticket Prices
Deptford Cinema is committed to providing affordable access to cinema and the arts, as such our Concession ticket is Pay What You Can. We are unfortunately technically unable to offer truly custom prices online, as such our online Concession ticket options are £0.00, £1.50, £3.00 and £4.50, however on the door tickets allow you to pay any amount that you can. A suggested price of £4.50 represents an amount that helps support Deptford Cinema put on our award-winning programming and events.
If you are able, you can purchase a Support Ticket, this covers the cost of a £4.50 Concession ticket and will go towards supporting our Pay What You Can scheme, helping to ensure a no barrier to entry for enjoying cinema and the arts.