- dir. Lee Chang-Dong
- year. 2010
- country. South Korea
- run-time. 133 mins
- rating. 12
£5.00 (£3.50 conc.)
Film 8:00PM
In a deeply affecting central performance Yun Junghee playsYang Mija who works as a carer for a disabled man and also raises her grandson alone. She has to endure the onset of Alzheimer's disease and learns that her grandson was one of the attackers of a junior high school girl who committed suicide.
Through all of this and to fulfill her lifelong dream of becoming a poet she enrolls in a class and begins to write.
Poetry is widely regarded of one of the best films of the twenty-first century.
Deptford Cinema is proud to be taking part in Scalarama. This annual celebration sees September transform into a month of amazing films, screened in various locations and by all different types of people – from established picture palaces to newbies, completely new to screening films. Scalarama is by everyone, for everyone, everywhere, with DIY in its veins.
“Disarmingly powerful”
“Witty, affecting and very intelligent”
“Winner of Best Screenplay”