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WITHNAIL AND I (1987) - Anti-Christmas Classics


  • year. 1987

  • country. UK

  • run-time. 108 mins

  • rating. 15

£6.00 (£4.50 conc.)

Doors 19:30
Film 20:00

Deptford Cinema is proud to present, as part of the Anti-Christmas Classics, a quote along Withnail and I

Two out-of-work actors -- the anxious, luckless Marwood (Paul McGann) and his acerbic, alcoholic friend, Withnail (Richard E. Grant) -- spend their days drifting between their squalid flat, the unemployment office and the pub. When they take a holiday "by mistake" at the country house of Withnail's flamboyantly gay uncle, Monty (Richard Griffiths), they encounter the unpleasant side of the English countryside: tedium, terrifying locals and torrential rain.

Every line is a quotable joy...
— Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian