Haymaking - Trebettyn, Cowbridge (1949)
- dir. N/A
- year. N/A
- country. UK
- run-time. 1h 15min
- rating. U
£5.00 (£3.50 conc.)
Doors 18:30 - Film 19:00
Deptford Cinema brings you its second programme from Britain on Film on Tour: an evocative exploration of the countryside of the UK, taking in the diverse and beautiful landscapes of all our home nations.
Britain on Film: Rural Life takes audiences down the country lanes of the past, meandering through the dwindling customs of another era. Relive the work of the local blacksmith preparing shoes for the horses that will plough the fields, and the shepherd’s trials as he protects his flock from an encroaching storm. Be swept up in the homemade entertainment and giggles of children at the country fair and the joyful freedoms of the dance in the village hall.
Touching on all the technological, industrial and social changes that affected our countryside throughout the 20th century, these films evoke and encourage not only nostalgia, but also broader and more meaningful reflections on the nature of rural life and village communities in the UK today.